
Occupational Therapy and Chronic Illness

What was your favorite subject in school? Music

What is your favorite hobby or pastime? Taking photos.

Tell us about a time when you felt out of place. Working in retail. Square peg in a round hole springs to mind.

Back to pre 2000ish.

Your life without a computer: what does it look like? Great. I’d get to do lots of craft etc instead of constant internet!


What fears have you overcome and how? Dogs. By hanging out with a friends dog, I’m now a lot better around them.


At the end of 2022, I applied for an admin job. I had no expectations but I also knew that I had nothing to lose. To my surprise I interviewed and got the job! Just after Christmas I got COVID and an ear infection, one after the other. I became concerned the having had COVID…


What jobs have you had? Oooh a lot of retail, some care and support work but currently admin.


Have you ever broken a bone? No

Headaches and Migraines

DO NOT TAKE ANY INFORMATION I HAVE PROVIDED IN THIS POST AS MEDICAL ADVICE, ALWAYS CONSULT A DOCTOR OR HEALTHCARE PROFESSIONAL BEFORE COMMENCING ANY NEW TREATMENT YOU ARE UNSURE OF. I have had chronic headaches that stretch back to my teenage years. I can often feel the pain beginning to creep in around lunchtime. By…


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